
シドニー大学教授 Mark Byron氏を英詩研究会にお招きし、戦争と核、詩や音楽をテーマとした講演会を開催することとなりました。ぜひご参加ください。

タイトル:A Critical Poetics of Warfare
講演者:Mark Byron (The University of Sydney)
司会: 五十嵐奈央(宇都宮大学)

日時: 2024年3月24日(日)15時30分–17時30分
場所:  東京大学本郷キャンパス 法文1号館113教室 



科研費「 グローバル・モダニズムと日本語翻訳における英・仏・露文学の受容に関する研究」(特別研究員奨励費 研究分担者・Ryan Johnson)

The English Poetry Society of Japan, Special Lecture “A Critical Poetics of Warfare”
Professor Mark Byron (The University of Sydney)

March 24 (Sunday) 2024, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
Faculty of Law & Letters, Building 1, Room 113


Warfare is the event that pulls poetry out of its georgic home, turning from the ploughshares of Hesiod to the Trojan walls of Homer, and displacing the folk poetry of Shang with the martial poetry of Zhou. The striking of metal is common to both industries: rhythmic noise is a feature of agriculture and of warfare, making both companionable to poetic rhythms of different kinds. The relation between prosody and warfare reaches a new technological phase in Walt Whitman’s Drum-Taps (1865), poetry of the American Civil War in which industrialization makes its first sustained contribution. Whitman’s poetry combines prosody with the sounds of war, united in the figure of the drummer who keeps time for marching soldiers, ‘drumming up’ new enlistments as infantry platoons march through town centres on the way to battle, and who conveys battlefield commands over the din of gunfire. In the modern age of warfare noise reaches new crescendos with machinegun fire, artillery shells, aircraft, armoured vehicles and so on crowding the auditory field. Poetry responds to this challenge of critical representation by inventing new poetic techniques, whether the concrete poetry of Dada, Futurism, and Vorticism, the wordless dive-bombing guitar of Jimi Hendrix’s Star-Spangled Banner at Woodstock, or the eclipse of sound itself in the poetry of the nuclear age, such as hibakusha (nuclear survivor) poetry in Japan. This talk sketches out a history of poetics that is also a critical aesthetics of warfare, united in the auditory field.

Keywords: noise; war; industrialization; rhythm; machine; poetics; guitar; nuclear; silence

MARK BYRON is Professor of Modern Literature at the University of Sydney. His work in Modernism Studies spans prose, poetry, drama, and film, as well as textual and editorial theory. He is author of the monographs Ezra Pound’s Eriugena (London: Bloomsbury, 2014) and Samuel Beckett’s Geological Imagination (Cambridge UP, 2020), and with Sophia Barnes is co-editor of the critical manuscript edition Ezra Pound’s and Olga Rudge’s The Blue Spill (London: Bloomsbury, 2019). Mark co-edited a dossier with Stefano Rosignoli on Samuel Beckett and the Middle Ages in the Journal of Beckett Studies 25.1 (2016), and is editor of the essay collection The New Ezra Pound Studies (Cambridge UP, 2019). He is President of the Ezra Pound Society.

Join us in person for this special event. Admission is free with no registration required.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: engpoetrysocj@gmail.com(英詩研究会/The English Poetry Society of Japan).

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